CLL Alternatives

CLL & COVID-19: What to Do!

Posted by: Denise on: March 18, 2020

Denise with three of her six grandkids. No, I’m not able to be with them now. Yes, I miss them!

I’m always dishing out advise, so I will share my take on CLL and COVID-19 here. If you have the CLL diagnosis, be careful! I’m not sure we have the immune system to fight off COVID-19. I read one CLL doctor’s recommendation to get IGIV (immunoglobulin by IV) if you get sick, to build your immunity and prevent pneumonia. So keep that in mind to ask your doctor should you come in contact with this virus. I personally do not go in for vaccinations, as I believe they further stress our immune systems…however, get this information from your doctor and make your own choice. This is serious, life-threatening business, and we’re all in it for the long haul.

So what have I been doing? As of last Friday, I’ve been working at home. It feels like I’m hiding out, although I do call girlfriends, and I have nearly constant contact with the people at work. That said, I still feel isolated. I’m not confident about seeing my grandkids (there are six of them now, and I miss them!). Yesterday evening, the president indicated this could last till August, maybe July. OMG! I know I have it easier because I have the house to myself and don’t have to amuse or entertain children. We have heat and electricity, running water with a working hot-water tank, and natural gas. So far, we’ve been able to stock up on the basics. I won’t go into crowded supermarkets, but there is a local health-food store that has groceries, and I wear my gloves and go in and out quickly. There are no more restaurants, no more sporting events, our synagogue closed, schools shut down. Like everyone else, I hate this!

I’ve been ordering my supplements and stocking up on my most important items. I need my Peak Immune and my D’mannose (prevents UTIs). Yes, we have enough toilet paper. LOL My husband always shops for our home and business like a hoarder, and he bought a huge supply about a week prior to the rush, just because. We are a little low on tissues, because apparently hubby shops like the rest of the country and finds TP to be the biggest necessity.

At work, one person called in sick and another came in sick! This is a particularly vexing situation, and world-wide at that. It hit home Monday when one of our newest and youngest employees showed up to work, sick with fever and cough. (Honestly!) This despite two company-wide personal-distance meetings where all were told to stay home WITH PAY. All employees were also given printed materials stating the same. He was tested for COVID-19 yesterday. Our business is 90% shut down; it is a small business with about 25 employees. We’re waiting for his results. 

All that said, I prefer to remain optimistic. This situation will not go on forever. When the weather complies, we all can gather outdoors. In Michigan, that won’t be till April, and sometimes true spring doesn’t arrive till May. But the point is that this is temporary. 

What can we all do? Do you need the official list again? I’ve added a few thoughts of my own.

Stay home, if at all possible. I’ve been able to get my work done from home, so far. Avoid young children, unless you live with them and can’t help it. 

Wash hands frequently. Yes, I know that most people have heard this one ad nauseum. I use lukewarm water and mild soap, so as not to make my hands dry and cracked and vulnerable to germs. Remember also to moisturize your hands frequently. I like coconut oil because its soothing and it kills germs. Also O’keefe’s Working Hands is in all drugstores and is recommended by (Environmental Working Group). 

Clean your doorknobs and other surfaces. I use peroxide or vinegar, either sprayed or applied to paper towel and wiped. (Mostly peroxide, as it doesn’t stink.) I’ve started doing this every day. Every. Day. (Getting tired of it, but still a good idea.) Clean your car interior, light switches, faucets, handles, everything you regularly touch.

Wear gloves if you go into public to shop. I wear those cheap stretchy gloves from the dollar store and wash them frequently. It’s less crazy looking and more comfortable than vinyl. It’s also still cold where I live, so not a bad plan. 

Cough into your elbow.

Bow vs Elbow Bump. According to my alternative doctor, do not elbow bump in greeting if you’re also sneezing into your elbow. Instead, he suggests a Japanese bow, from a distance. If you do get an unavoidable hand shake, wash your hands ASAP immediately after, or use hand sanitizer. (I prefer soap and water.) If you can’t wash or sanitize, keep your hands away from your face until you can!

Get enough sleep. Sleep restores your immune system. I often feel better in the morning no matter what’s going on, so long as I’ve had a good night’s sleep.

Take extra supplements. Zinc tablets. Peak Immune by Daiwa. Garlic pills (odorless, if you prefer). Elderberry (all sold out now, everywhere, but keep checking). Dr. Oz recommends Beta Glucan at 250 mg. There is also Echinacea, Oil of Oregano, and Licorice.

Chicken broth. Yes, mama’s traditional chicken soup is good for the soul – and for the immune system. Home made from organic free-range chicken is best. Simply put chicken in pot with carrots and celery, and maybe some parsnips. Add filtered water, just enough to cover all chicken and veggies. Add sea salt, bring to gentle boil. Once boiling, or nearly-boiling, cover and reduce to simmer for several hours. This makes DELICIOUS chicken and excellent soup. Sally Fallon of the Westin Price Foundation wrote an entire book about the health benefits of chicken soup. 

Meditate. My personal meditation is reading or writing, and sometimes sketching. Anything that gets your brain off COVID-19 or any other worry. Anything that makes you lose track of time. 

Air out your house. If It’s warm enough, and even if it isn’t…open your windows once or twice a day and let the fresh air in! A good air exchange can help rid your home of some of the pathogens.

Remove your shoes when you come in from the outdoors, particularly if you went to a market. Wear slippers inside, or go around in your stocking feet. No need to potentially track in dirt and possible germs.

Change your pillowcases daily. Or every-other day, if you prefer. This might involve more laundry, but this is where your face spends seven to nine hours each night. Keep it clean!

Know we will get through this. Engage in positive belief. We are a strong country and we will prevail. After that thought, we all need to take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

If you have more ideas on how to be safe, please share in the comments!

As always, wishing you the best of health! 

11 Responses to "CLL & COVID-19: What to Do!"

Hi Denise,

Sometime ago we exchanged notes, unfortunately a few months ago I had a computer issue and lost the address of this site. Today while searching some info. I am glad to have found you again.

First, I am still here, it is now more than 4 years when I was diagnosed. WBC count has been consistently climbing, it has never gone down. So, far I have not taken any conventional med. I take some herbs etc. but only in limited quantity. I used to take 3 g of AHCC but have stopped taking it now. BTW based on your advice, I have increased the vitamin D3 dose to 7k units, from 3k.

One thing I have recently started to take is Lymphdiaral by Pascoe. Otherwise I live a normal life. My main diet is still meat though I have started to eat a bit of green stuff. I was supposed to see the oncologist on Thursday but his office called me and cancelled the appointment, We are in lock down. Last test about 6 months ago showed the WBC count of about 35. Red cells were a bit on low side.

One thing that seems to help me is walking. Not sure if it helps the condition but it provides me some energy. I find meditation and fasting very helpful as well.

Stay healthy


Hi Vin,
Thanks for checking in! Of course I remember you, and I can’t believe it’s been 4 years. When you said your numbers had been climbing, I was concerned. But 35 WBC isn’t that high at all! So good on that. About the meat, I hope you’re eating grass fed and organic, which are much better for your health than factory farmed meats. Also, wild caught fish is better than farmed. About the greens… I wish I could convince you to eat these! I LOVE my veggies. Can you try experimenting with different greens and salads, and all kinds of vegetables, both cooked and raw? Maybe make smoothies. I’ve had those for years with enough fruit to cancel out the kale. (although to be honest, just this last week or so I’ve cut out smoothies in an effort to lose a few pounds).

I also have a ongoing slightly low RBC. I’m always taking iron pills, and have added papaya leaf extract to my daily regimen. Like you, I’m way overdue for a blood test, so not sure how that’s working. I did see my GP in early March, but procrastinated about the blood test, and then came the pandemic. I feel well, and I continue my regimen of diet, supplements, exercise, good sleep habits, etc., so I’m hoping I’m stable. (We’re all as good as our most recent blood tests; I’m aware of that!) In addition to the lock down, now the USA is under attack from within, and I have to say this is stressing me out. (Which is why I’m writing this at 10:36pm, when I’m normally in bed.)

I, too, like to walk. Lately I’ve been taking my shih tzu for long walks in a stroller, as she’s 14 and can’t go as far and as fast as I like to go. It’s good for her, too. She walks the last two blocks with me. It’s been a hard year with COVID and now the uprising.

I’m wishing you well, Vin. Don’t let the slow rise discourage you. You’re still in a good place, and I’m sure your habits are helping. (We can’t tell how we’d do without our efforts, but I sure believe with my full being that our efforts are keeping us alive and well!)

Please keep in touch. All best, Denise

So good to hear that everyone is doing well. Meant to check the site out for days. Unfortunately, I still go to work but only a couple days a week and all is well. The sad stories are endless but so are the positive ones, which I hope can be aired at the same pace. Praying everyone will be healthy and this too shall pass.
Be safe.
As always, thank you Denise.

Hi Nathalie,
Good to hear from you, too. I do live in a “hot spot” in Michigan, in Oakland County. Sixteen people have died in Oak Park, where both my sons and their families live. I know several people, including a good friend and her husband, who are recovering. I live close to a main street that is a direct route to two major hospitals. Finally, not as many sirens going by. I’m hoping the trend is that famous flattening of the curve. I was feeling ill for about two days last week (sore throat, weak, mild cough) and was appropriately freaking out. I did many things to get well. I gargled with saltwater, put the copper zap in my nostrils, took lysine/beta gluten, garlic pills, oil of oregano, and extra peak immune, and miraculously it went away after two days. I plan to get my antibodies checked before I take any vaccine, when this is all over.

To amend my original post…I now wear a mask if I’m going to see my grandchildren — outside and more than six feet away. I rarely go out except for walks, and order in groceries. Still working from home (so less effective!). Try to stop the news after the six o’clock report, and to destress in the evening. My current de-stressor is Madmen on Netflix. 🙂

I’m glad you are well, too! I hope you are able to be careful and safe while at work. Thank you for checking in, and for your kind regards. – Denise

Hi Denise,
I’m glad you’re well and especially about seeing your grandkids. I have not seen my parents in a while and that bothers me more than anything but we do talk often and FaceTime a couple times but they’re not that tech savvy. We had our bout here a month ago before we knew what was happening and in a way am happy as we took it as a bad cold instead of our mind wondering. It’s no joke but know we will survive this.

I desperately need to go for blood work but that can wait.
I will check in from time to time but now I have to head to work. Be well.

Hi Denise,
Just to say hi, thinking of you, and thanks as always for your advice and encouragement.
Besides adding some new supplements to the mix, I am enjoying several essential oils in the diffuser (and bottom of feet) that help immune function (they can be found with an online search).
Be well, in good spirits, and patient!

Wishing you and anyone else who happens to read this the same! – Denise

Hi Denise,
Have you considered unsweetened Blackcurrant Juice as an alternative to elderberry ? Canadian blackcurrant has higher levels of the good elements and the local varieties even higher.
Social distancing, hand washing, gloves and face masks are important.
Go well

Hi Terry,
I just looked up black currant juice and it is high in oxalates. People with kidney stones and other related ailments (including me) have to avoid high oxalate foods. This is a bummer, as some of the high oxalate foods include healthy choices such as beets, lots of the leafy greens and (gasp) chocolate. That said, this is a good suggestion for people who might come to this site and read about it. I agree with all your suggestions. It’s been hard seeing my grandkids with just facebook video (like FaceTime). Better than nothing, and social distancing is the best choice.
Stay well, Denise

We have now gone into a nationwide lockdown for 14 days.Stay at home until over. Only supermarkets, pharmacy,s, medical centre’s and bank’s open. Essential services, police etc still operating.

Hi Terry,
I’ve been mostly in since March 13, as I work from home on Fridays. It’s become my lifestyle since. The governor shut down our state Watching the news daily and checking the stats. I happen to live in a hot spot — Oakland County, Michigan. I know several people personally who’ve been diagnosed. Fortunately, they have all recovered, or are recovering, at home. I just spoke to my son’s mother-in-law yesterday and a teacher at the school where she works in the front office just passed away from COVID-19. So it’s very real. Not happy that my husband still wants to go to the market. I’m ordering instead and hoping for the best. Visiting my grandkids through glass or on the other side of a fence (6 to 10 feet away). I agree with Renie above, we have to stay well and be patient! I have to admit it’s been hard to stay upbeat. I’m grateful for my Kindle and Netflix!
Wishing you and everyone good health and abundant patience! – Denise

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