Hi Denise,
Just thought I would update you 5 months later.
I did go to a specialist at Ohio State University. They advised me not to take the antibiotics. Not surprised.
I will continue to see the local hematologist and go to Ohio once a year.
I am completely Keto and have been since my last post. My last wbc count on April 1 was at its lowest ever, 12.8! Unfortunately, My IgG levels have continuously dropped every month and now are below normal. As happy as I am about my wbc count, I am getting more concerned with my other low levels in regards to my immune system. From what I search, I guess it goes with the cll and nothing can be done naturally to help.
Anyway, I hope all is well with you!
Hi Denise,
I’ve been reading your website and its been very informative. I was diagnosed with CLL two months ago. I have no symptoms and the doctor said I am at stage zero. I have been on a plant based diet and following Gerson and Chrisbeatcancer. They all say stay away from
meat or fish. You are the exception which makes me confused. Let me know what your thoughts are.
Thank you,
Thank you for the quick response. The hemotogist that prescribed the antibiotics is part of a local cancer center here. I did start taking the pills but stopped because I don’t feel it is right. I have read that they can destroy your immune system. Not a good idea when it is already not good. I searched the internet and cannot find anywhere that it is normal protocol. I believe I will get a second opinion.
The whole Keto diet thing is mind boggling! I just spent an hour and a half at the store trying to figure out what I could eat! I am hungry! I Didn’t get much but I am pretty certain the choices I made are acceptable.
What soup broth brand do you buy? Probiotics? Sauerkraut? Pickles?
I am finding out that it is getting the right brands that is difficult. I don’t want to buy a brand of something that is not good for me.
I really appreciate your help and I am grateful there are people like you in the world that share their knowledge and experiences with those of us that are just starting out on this journey.
Hi Denise,
I was just diagnosed with cll last week by a hematologist. I have just bought the book the metabolic approach to cancer that you recommended. It is a very interesting book and makes sense. I am going to give the Keto diet a shot. What do I have to lose. I am finding it hard to figure out what supplies I need to get at the grocery store for switchover. So used to cooking whatever and no worries.
My biggest concern right now is that the hematologist gave me a prescription for acyclovir 400mg 2x a day for prevention of viral and sulfamethoxazole tmp ds 1 on Monday Wednesday and Friday to prevent bacterial infections. I am concerned these will hurt my immune system even more. I have a prescription for 6 months so this is supposed to be long term antibiotics. I am having trouble finding where any one else with cll is taking these. Does everyone take these? Or should I get a second opinion?
I should mention that other than my blood work, I have no symptoms. CT scan was good also. I am on w&w.
Denise, Congratulations on being good and healthy 16 years after your CLL diagnosis!! I’m very happy for you! I was diagnosed in May 2017 and have indolent CLL, although my nodes are somewhat swollen in a few areas. I may need treatment in the coming year due to swollen lymph nodes, but I’ll be getting a second opinion from a CLL specialist soon. Question: Have you experienced dry mouth or dry eyes? In the last six months since diagnosis, I’ve noticed my mouth tends to be dry and I also have dry eye syndrome. I’ve been told that these are also symptoms of what’s called Sjogren’s syndrome. Any thoughts? I’d really appreciate your comments! Wishing you all the best, Gene
I came across this article while investigating why high temperature cooking can be harmful. An interesting article worth a read:
Hi Denise!
I am a 70 years old male. I was diagnosed with cll about two years ago. It is at an early stage and I am not on any medication, and probably will not opt out for it.
Lymphocytes count has been continuously increasing though at different rates. Though I do do feel lack of energy and some weakness in chess yet the affect seems to be more mental and not physical.
I take many herbs and have changed my life style quite a bit. In particular I take AHCC 3 grams in cycles of 21 days and then a break. It seems to help. Unfortunately I cannot get blood-work done without a requisition from a physician even if I am willing to pay for it. So, it becomes harder to determine which herb is working because I don’t want to take them one by one and then wait for a few months for the blood result.
I would like to thank you for writing your experience and would be grateful for your advise if you have any.
Kind regrds,
Hi Denise, I have good news and bad news to report. First the good news. To follow your advise I went and purchased a kitchen thermometer because being a typical NA house I could not find one at home. To start with I wanted to find out the temperature at which I cook. I was sure it would be above 300 deg. To my surprise it is about 210 deg F. Most of my cooking is done on stove. I start with low-medium and go as high as medium-high after the water from the meat (vegetable) is released and I let it be cooked it in that released water with spices. Rarely I add more water. It really surprised me that the temperature at which I cook is about or even lower than the standard boiling point of water eg 212 deg F. I thought it would be much higher. So, the good news is that I don’t cook my food above 300 deg.
Now the bad news. Since most of my food is cooked below 300 deg F I will not be helped by this remedy. Though I do eat some bread of different kinds once in a while and that is the only baked product I eat. I will cut down eating bread even more as per your advise both because of baking and gluten.
I also eat too much meat. I will probably cut down on that as well and I don’t eat enough veges though I take chlorella, spirulina, japanese knotweed etc. in capsule form. I will probably start eating more veges.
Before I leave I want to say two things. First, I am thankful to you for being so kind to me and everyone else who asks for your help. We need more people like you in this world. It was a sheer pleasure corresponding with you. They say there is nothing absolutely positive or negative in the phenomenal existence. Meeting you even on the net is one of the positive aspects of my disease.
Second, I suggest you try AHCC. I take 3g/day. It is a mushroom extract of some kind. At this stage I am not even in a position to say that it has helped me (at all) for sure. But, somehow I feel that it is an excellent product. The one I take is prepared by Quality of Life and I buy it from iherb.com (US). As far as I know it has no side affects. I am usually open to any idea and try for a short period to see if? A second product I am impressed with is a Bell Lifestyle Product called Stem Cell Activator.
I hope and pray that you recover completely and enjoy another 60 years of healthy living. In the meantime if you think of any suggestion for me please do let me know you have my email address.
Best of luck!
Thank you for this great breakdown. Just what I was looking for. It all resonates with me.
Be safe & well,
Hi Denise,
I’m so glad you’re writing a book. You know you’ve been my inspiration since my diagnosis (my trusted source of info especially when I need guidance). had some set back because I indulged in too much of the ‘no no foods.’ I know better. I’m not giving up though. A bit down but life goes on and won’t look back. Eagerly waiting for your book. As always, thank you.
Hi Denise,
Now that the cold weather is not far around the corner, I’m interested in hearing your thoughts regarding flu and pneumonia immunizations. Since you were diagnosed, have you immunized? To this point I’ve never done either but it’s been suggested I do.
Thank you so very much for sharing your CLL experience. I was diagnosed in June and I immediately went into fact-finding/solution mode – searching the internet for answers to this very unexpected problem. When I came upon your website it felt like I found the hidden treasure. Reading your words gave me comfort and understanding in what was an anxious and uncertain period. You have a great way with the pen, keep writing. I look forward to reading your book and further posts.
Best of health to you and thanks again.
Morning Denise. I’ve been reading your blog for a friend with CLL and came across your mention of “Peak Immune” by Daiwa.
From the Life Extension website: Peak Immune 4, also called “NK – 3 IMMUNE, is clinically shown to triple the activity of natural Killer cells, also doubles immune system T cell count, increase B cell count and boosts chemical messengers critical to intercellular communication for fighting pathogens, an immune modulator.
A quick search on Amazon and the first customer review says:
Really increases your white blood cell count. My husband has had really low WBC count and after about a week on this he went right into the normal range. I would recommend this product to anyone looking to increase their white blood cells and quickly. Gread product!!!
I’m baffled. Please explain how one fights an over-abundance of B cells with a product that produces more B cells, because I’m missing it.
Thanks, Linda
May 28, 2018 at 6:19 am
Hi Denise
I was wondering if you could tell me the best supplements to take that are not too expensive. The ones you consider the most important. My income is very low (widow and pensioner) so things like Peak Immune are out of the question. Best wishes….
August 4, 2018 at 7:46 pm
Hi Jennifer,
Not certain why I never responded to your very important question. One very important supplement is vitamin D3, which is not expensive. You should take between 5000 and 10,000 IU each day, and get your levels tested each time you go to the doctor. It has to be the vitamin D hyrdroxy test. And ASK FOR THE RESULTS, don’t take the doc’s word that all is okay. Keep track of your numbers. It’s good to have this control. Also take vitamin K2, which works in concert with the D3. This alone has be studied as effective against CLL. If you combine this with the 16 Natural Things you Can Do, link below, you will be making inroads to improving your health.
Wishing you the best of health! – Denise